
Dire Gopher

Written by goatthief.

Dire Gopher

Gophers were already vicious beasts full of rage. Five foot gophers are vicious beasts full of rage, and anger.

1st level mook

Initiative: +6

AC: 17 PD: 15 MD:.11


Teeth like daggers: +6 vs. AC, 4 damage. The target takes a -1 penalty to AC until the end of the encounter.

Miss: The target takes a -1 penalty to AC until the end of it's turn.


Angry Little Critters: When the escalation die is even, the Dire Gopher adds the escalation die to it’s damage rolls.

Burrowing:  The Dire Gopher can burrow. It burrows lightning fast and can launch itself and it’s fearsome iron shredding jaws up five feet in the air.

HP: 5 (Kill a dire gopher for every 5 damage you to deal to it.)


Nastier Specials

Hyperfang: Dire Gopher's crit range expands by 2.

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