An anomaly created from one of the Archmage's efforts to create an all-seeing ward, the oculi (uh-kyuu-lai, plural form of oculus) are floating mass of eyeballs, with a giant eyeball and a large set of teeth for its central body. It's known to fire a kaleidoscope of rays that spell death to those affected by them; an awesome sight to behold, thus they have eventually earned the nickname "Beholder".
GM NOTE: Because of how this monster is designed, this creature plus its eyestalks is an average fight for four level 6 PCs.
Dread Oculus
Level 7 Large (Double-Strength) Caster (Aberrant)
Init: +10
HP: 216
AC: 21
PD: 18
MD: 22
Levitation: the dread oculus floats a few inches off the ground, and can fly to a nearby location as a move action, falling back to its normal levitation height at the end of its movement.
Gaping Maw, one engaged enemy: +12 vs AC, 28 damage. On a natural 20, make one eyestalk attack as a free action.
Central Eye: When an enemy targets the dread oculus with a spell, the dread oculus can roll a save; success means the spell has no effect on the oculus. If the level of the spell is lower than the dread oculus' level, it’s a normal save (11+). Against an equal or higher-level spell, the save is a hard save (16+). If the dread oculus is staggered, the save target increases by +5 (normal becomes hard, hard becomes 21+: impossible unless the dread oculus has a save bonus from some other source).
Self-Preservation: Once per round as a reaction to an attack while staggered, the dread oculus can redirect the damage it takes to its eyestalks instead.
Eye Rays: As a standard action, cause one eyestalk (chosen at random) to attack a nearby enemy. On a natural even with that eyestalk's attack, make a second eyestalk (chosen at random) attack as a free action. On a 6+ with the second eyestalk's attack while the dread oculus is staggered, make a third and fourth eyestalk (both chosen at random) attack as a free action. You cannot use the same stalk for each attack, and if the oculus has less than four eyestalks, all subsequent attacks after the last stalk that hasn't attacked will automatically fail to trigger.
Nastier Specials:
EyeforCarnage: After the last eyerays attack has been resolved, make a number of eyestalks equal to the escalation die attack as a free action.
EyeforanEye: When reduced to 0 HP the dread oculus can cause all remaining eyestalks to become unstuck as a free action. Once per day the dread oculus can also cause one eyestalk to become unstuck as a standard action while staggered. The surviving eyestalks all retain the memory of the last creature that the dread oculus faced.
GM Note: While this does nothing for the current session, after 1d4+1 sessions (or whenever you feel is appropriate), the eyestalks that survive that long would grow back to full-fledged dread oculi, and would take vengeance on the creatures whose memory they hold on to with utmost hatred.
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Dread Oculus Eyestalks
Typically oculi have a total of 10 eyestalks, each one having a bit of sentience, although all are under the will of the main eye of the oculus. Each stalk has its own effect and in the face of multiple enemies the eyestalks will collectively try to attack as many as possible.
GM Note: Rather than copy-paste the stats of each eyestalk to get 10 eyestalks, each number in the eyerayblast below describes the effect of each eyestalk's attack. Also, the eyestalks can attack independently of the dread oculus; choose either to have them attack immediately before/after the dread oculus, or roll their initiative separately.
Dread Oculus Eyestalk
Level 7 Mook Caster (Aberrant)
Init: +10
HP: 27
AC: 19
PD: 19
MD: 23
Attached: Dread oculus eyestalks are stuck to the dread oculus, until unstuck. Once unstuck, they gain the dread oculus' levitation ability.
Eye Ray Blast (close-quarters), one nearby enemy: +12 to hit, target defense and other effects depends on which of the stalks attack.
1: Searing: vs. PD, 18 positive energy damage
2: Withering: vs. PD, ongoing 18 negative damage and weakened (save ends both)
3: Sleep: vs. MD, if the target is staggered, they are unconscious (hard save ends), effect also ends when target takes 10+ damage. Otherwise they are hampered, weakened and take a -4 penalty to disengage checks (save ends all).
4: Telekinesis: vs. PD, target pops free if engaged, and they are forcibly moved to a nearby location
5: Hold: vs. PD, target is stuck (save ends)
6: Confusion: vs. MD, the target is confused until the end of their next turn
7: Fear: vs. MD, 18 psychic damage, and the target is afraid until they move far away from the dread oculus
8: Petrify: vs. PD, the target must start making last gasp saves as they turn to stone
9: Death: vs. PD, 18 negative energy damage, and the target must start making last gasp saves as they fight for their life
10: Disintegrate: vs. PD, 36 damage and 56 ongoing damage.
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