
Pirate (Human)

Written by Megan Wiseman.

Since there are generally just as many humans in a fantasy RPG setting as monsters or humanoids, if not more, and since humans can be any alignment, I want my PCs to have encounters with humans as often as monsters or humanoid races. My setting is vast, but I am prepping a game for coastal (and possibly island-hopping) play. So, using Ryven Cydrelle's marvelous Improv Monster Toolkit, and the KHAOS Generator built by Will Patterson (MCKhaos), I came up with these Human Pirate stat blocks. For the Oafs, Cutters, and Archers, I built two variations. So you can switch them up and keep your PCs off balance a bit. If you like the overall build, but want to scale it up, you can either use the rules in the 13th Age Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, or the Improv Monster Toolkit, to scale any of these up to a higher level.

Pirate Oaf 1


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +0

AC 20

PD 15

MD 11

HP 7

Club Crush +3 v AC (Target 1) - 4 Damage

Pirate's Code: The Pirate Oaf gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other Pirates are next to it.


Pirate Oaf 2


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +2

AC 20

PD 13

MD 13

HP 7

On the Deck +3 v AC (1 enemy engaged with monster), 5 Damage

Hit Fives - Damage second target for 50% of strike

Pirate ferocity: If more than one Pirate Oaf is engaged with target, each melee attack that misses that target deals half damage.

Sluggish Initiative: Roll 2d10 to determine this creature's initiative.

Pirate's Code: The Pirate Oaf gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other Pirates are next to it.


Pirate Cutter 1


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +2

AC 17

PD 15

MD 11

HP 5

Cutter Slice +9 v AC (Target 1) - 4 Damage

Hit Natural 16+ - The target can’t add the escalation die to its attacks (save ends).

Pirate's Code: The Pirate Oaf gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other Pirates are next to it.


Pirate Cutter 2


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +2

AC 17

PD 15

MD 11

HP 5

Sly Slice +9 v AC (1 enemy engaged with monster), 4 Damage

Hit Natural 16+ - Attack is a critical hit!

Pirate's Code: The Pirate Cutter gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other Pirates are next to it.


Pirate Thug


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +2

AC 20

PD 15

MD 11

HP 19

Pirate Cleave +6 v AC (Target 1), 5 Damage

Hit Fives - Damage second target for 50% of strike

Pirate ferocity: If more than one of this monster is engaged with target, each melee attack that misses that target deals half damage.

Sluggish Initiative: Roll 2d10 to determine this creature's initiative.


Pirate Archer 1


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +3

AC 13

PD 12

MD 8

HP 27

R: Swift Dart +9 v AC (2 nearby enemies engaged against same ally), 4 Damage

Hit Evens - Increase own initiative by 2

Miss Odds - Reroll attack

Special: Pirate Archer will move away if approached, even if it provokes an opportunity attack.


Pirate Archer 2


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +3

AC 13

PD 10

MD 10

HP 27

R: Swift Dart +9 v AC (1 enemy engaged by ally), 5 Damage

Hit Odds - Make another attack

Miss Fives - Reroll attack with -2 penalty

Special: Pirate Archer will move away if approached, even if it provokes an opportunity attack.

(When Staggered) Interceptor: Once per round, creature makes an opportunity attack to intercept a foe, even if already engaged.


Pirate Defender


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +2

AC 20

PD 13

MD 13

HP 20

Knock Them Down +6 v PD (1 enemy engaged with monster), 5 Damage

Hit Natural 16+ - Target knocked prone, is hampered until end of next round.



Pirate Swashbuckler


Level 1


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +3

AC 20

PD 15

MD 11

HP 19

Flurry of Blows +6 v MD (1 nearby enemy), 5 Damage and target is dazed.

Special: After attack, Pirate Swashbuckler can teleport (rope swing) to engage with nearby enemy of choice

Home Field Advantage: Once each round when the escalation die is odd, this creature can make use of the area's terrain to its advantage as a free action. It can choose either to gain a +2 attack bonus for its attacks that turn, or to gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against the next attack that targets it by using a flashy or tricky maneuver.


Pirate Wind Singer


Level 2


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +4

AC 19

PD 12

MD 16

HP 25

C: Gust of North Wind +7 v MD (1d2 enemies in group), 5 Cold Damage

Hit Natural 16+ - The target can’t add the escalation die to its attacks (save ends)

M: Storm Strike +5 v PD (1 enemy engaged with monster), 7 Thunder Damage

Hit Natural 16+ - The target can’t cast a spell until the end of its next turn.

Limited Use: 1/battle, when escalation die is 4+


Pirate Captain


Level 2


Humanoid (Human)

Initiative +3

AC 15

PD 13

MD 10

HP 30

Tricky Slice +9 v MD (1d4 nearby enemies), 6 Poison Damage, 2 ongoing poison damage (save ends)

Hit Natural 16+ - Target is weakened

Miss Odds - Disengages from any engaged enemies

R: Sly Flourish (hand crossbow) +9 v AC, 5 Damage

Limited Use: While Far away

King's Castle: When missing with odd # on Sly Flourish, Pirate Captain can switch places with any nearby ally. Disengage w/no roll; does provoke opportunity attacks.

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