

Written by Ryven Cedrylle.

(this content was originally posted on the Page XX blog)


The bamaltaph is a roughly horse-sized creature, though it more closely resembles a mole or similar burrowing mammal. They are covered in a short, bristly hair that protects their skin from being scratched by rocks as they dig, but is also short enough to easily shake out sand and silt. Each of their six legs ends in a set of four opposable claws with which they can scoop and grasp freely.

Bamaltaph are simple, but by no means stupid. The monotony of burrowing through miles of dirt and stone has shaped many aspects of bamaltaph thinking and society. Bamaltaph enter a sort of trance-like, meditative state while travelling long distances. This state enables them to be physically active for days on end without need for rest. Bamaltaph are one of the few non-humanoid species to display any interest or concept in philosophy; it is assumed that these thoughts occupy the bamaltaph’s mind during the long hours of digging.

Bamaltaph also highly value discovery in all its forms.  The relative position of any particular individual in the greater society is based largely on what interesting things that individual has discovered – anything from travelling shortcuts to metal veins and precious stones add to an individual’s general worth.

Encounter Ideas

A bamaltaph in a fully alert state is not commonly a threat. However, while in its moving meditation the creature can easily cause extensive damage in a matter of moments. Also, a bamaltaph shocked out of its trance often enters a violent “fight-or-flight” state for about a minute. Occasionally, bamaltaph who have immersed themselves in a specific philosophy will enter the service of Icons as fanatical followers, willing to give up everything for the cause. Such individuals generally serve the High Druid or the Dwarf King.


Bamaltaph CalfLevel 2 Spoiler

Initiative +5

AC: 15                                 PD: 17                             MD: 14

HP: 42


M: Claws  - +7 vs. AC, 1d10 damage

12+: Dirt Spraytarget has -2 to hit (save ends)


M: Bowl Over – +6 vs PD, 1d6 damage The bamaltaph and the target each move one ‘distance’ together of the bamaltaph’s choice. On a miss, only the bamaltaph moves.


Burrowing: The bamaltaph calf can move can move underground without risk of interception. This ability does not interfere with the engagement mechanics.



Bamaltaph AdultLevel 6 Wrecker

Initiative +7

AC: 19                                 PD: 21                             MD: 18

HP: 125


M: Claws  - +11 vs. AC, 2d12 + 10 damage

15+: Dual Claw Assaultadd an additional 1d12 damage


M: Bowl Over – +12 vs PD, 4d6 damage The bamaltaph and the target each move one ‘distance’ together of the bamaltaph’s choice, regardless of whether the attack hits or not.


Burrowing: The bamaltaph can move can move underground without risk of interception. It also gains a +2 to disengage saves.



Bamaltaph SapperLevel 6 Spoiler

Initiative +11

AC: 20                                 PD: 20                             MD: 17

HP: 106


M: Claws  - +11 vs. AC, 3d12 damage

19+: Dual Claw Assaultadd an additional 1d10 damage


Burrowing: The bamaltaph can move can move underground without risk of interception. It also gains a +2 to disengage saves.


Sapper: Remove the bamaltaph sapper from play. While it is gone (underground), roll a d20 each time a PC changes position on the field.  On a 15+, the PC falls into a sinkhole (as if intercepted) and must use a move action to escape before (s)he can move again.



Bamaltaph GeomancerLevel 6 Caster

Initiative +8

AC: 18                                 PD: 18                             MD: 21

HP: 106


M: Claws  - +10 vs. AC, 3d10 damage


R: Geomancy – +12 vs PD, 4d8 damage

Even: Repeat the attack against a different target.

Odd: The target is immobilized (save ends)


Burrowing: The bamaltaph can move can move underground without risk of interception. It also gains a +2 to disengage saves.


Spellcasting: The bamaltaph geomancer may also know a few other earth-related utility spells such as Speak with Stone, Stone to Flesh (but never the reverse) and Find Direction



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