(Originally found on d20 Icons site)
Level 5 (Magical Beast)
Init: +8
HP: 54 AC: 21 PD: 19 MD: 15
Tainted Scimitar: +13 vs AC - 18 damage, Natural even hit or miss: Ongoing 10 poison damage.
Wicked Hijazi : +13 vs. AC - (one nearby creature) 18 damage, Natural even hit or miss: Ongoing 10 poison damage.
Cold Blooded Cunning: The first time the Yuan-Ti attacks an enemy during a battle, its crit range for that attack expands by 2 (to a maximum of 18+).
Nastier Special
Block Lotus Poison: If the Yuan-Ti makes a Melee or Range attack and rolls 16+ to hit, the creature is poisoned with the essence of the Black Lotus, they must begin making last gasp saves as their heart begins to stop!
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